There is always a way forward if the responsible parties are willing to act.

- Auliq-Ice

With all the differences and misunderstandings, meeting halfway is the only way to show
that both of you are willing to sacrifice a portion of yourself for the benefit of both

- NerD_Seyer

True reconciliation is never cheap, for it is based on forgiveness which is costly.
Forgiveness in turn depends on repentance, which has to be based on an acknowledgment
of what was done wrong, and therefore on disclosure of the truth. You cannot forgive what you do not know.

- Desmond Tutu

Communication sometimes is not what you first hear, listen not just to the words, but listen for the reason.

- Catherine Pulsifer

EPM Services

Negotiate Your Own Terms and Conditions!

Mediation remains a viable alternative to eviction court whereby outcome is determined by the tenant and landlord, not a judge, through mutually beneficial resolutions.  A Mediation Settlement Agreement is legally binding agreement enforceable in a “court of law”.

The sole purpose of Eviction Prevention Mediation 2.0 is to:

  • Avoid an eviction on housing records
  • Maintain housing stability
  • Assess and/or verify compliance with URLTA and/or lease agreement
  • Reinforce communication between the tenant and landlord/property manager

In addition, mediations are scheduled and processed more expeditiously and are more cost-effective than eviction court.

The Mediation Process

  • The Mediator thoroughly explains and answers questions about the mediation process
  • “Rules of Engagement” are established by the Mediator, tenant, landlord and property manager, etc. at the beginning of the process
  • The Mediator ensures that the VOICE of each disputant is respectfully HEARD
  • Any and/or all disputants have the right to terminate the mediation process at any time for any reason
  • The Mediator assists disputing parties in exploring resolutions based on individual needs, desires, interests, options, values, legislation and lease agreements, etc. in negotiating reasonable solutions acceptable to everyone without “taking sides” nor imposing resolutions.  Any and/or all disputants ALWAYS have a right to say, “No”.
  • Once an agreement is reached, disputants complete and sign a Mediation Settlement Agreement, which is a legally binding enforceable contract
  • If a Mediation Settlement Agreement is not reached and/or a mediation terminated by any and/or all disputants through the process, a written notice of “mediation termination” will be forwarded to disputants, Eviction Court and the Legal Aid Society.

Scheduling an Eviction Prevention Mediation?

  • Go to:
  • Click on the Eviction Prevention Mediation tab – hoovering until a “drop- down” menu appears
  • Click on “Request for an Eviction Prevention Mediation Form
  • Complete and hit “Submit”
  • Eligible tenants and/or landlords/property managers will be contacted by a Mediator within 1-2 business days to discuss documents, information and forms required for pre-mediation, the mediation process and scheduling
  • Eviction Prevention Mediation sessions will be a minimum of two and maximum of four hours
  • Eviction Prevention Mediation sessions will be billed at a minimum of two and maximum of four hours per session
  • Confirmation of a scheduled Eviction Prevention Mediation is defined as submission of all forms (i.e. Request for an Eviction Prevention Mediation and Pre-Mediation Assessment Form, etc.) and documents required for tenant and/or landlord/property manager eligibility within five business days of a scheduled mediation; failure to do so will result in a cancelled mediation.

A TENANT is ELIGIBILE to request a mediation to prevent an eviction ONLY if a violation has occurred in at least one of the following areas below and written notice, via certified mail, has been given to the landlord/property manager within specified time frames according to the Uniform Residential Landlord Tenant Act

TENANTS please be advised of the below forms and/or documentation required within five business days of a scheduled mediation:

  • Pre-Mediation Assessment Form
  • Copy of written notice specifying violation
  • Certified mail receipt confirming written notice
  • Total amount of “back-rent” due
  • Maintenance receipts
  • Photos and/or recordings of violations
  • Accurate monthly rental rate
  • Current/signed lease agreement

LANDLORDS who have an active eviction filed against a tenant are ineligible for Eviction Prevention Mediation.

LANDLORDS please be advised of the below forms and/or documentation required within five business days of a scheduled mediation:

  • Pre-Mediation Assessment Form
  • Copy of written notice specifying lease agreement and/or URLTA and/or Kentucky Landlord Tenant Laws violation(s)
  • Certified mail receipt confirming written notice
  • At least a 90-day ledger documenting deficiency in rental payments
  • Total amount of “back-rent” due
  • Photos and/or recordings of violations
  • Accurate monthly rental rate
  • Current/signed lease agreement

FLEXIBLE Scheduling Offered

Mondays – Thursdays:  9am-6pm
Fridays:  9am-1pm
Saturdays:  9am-1pm
Mediations are scheduled in two-hour time blocks (i.e. 9am-11am, 11am-1pm, and 4pm-6pm, etc.).

Please be advised that resolve:  Restorative Practices strives is to schedule mediations according to “desired appointment dates”; however, due to demand, it is not always possible.


“rRP” Housing and Rental Resources

Codes & Regulations Louisville Metro Government

Tenants Rights Manual

Uniform Residential Landlord Tenant Act

Kentucky Landlord Tenant Law

Kentucky Rental Agreements

If you are a tenant and have received a seven day notice to vacate

Breaking through hard places. . .resolve: Restorative Practices LLC.